Degreaser Cleaner B30
Cleaner & Disinfectant Concentrated Bubbly Oil & Fat Remover For Food / Veterinary & Medical Sector (Free Colour & Fragrance)
Features: Concentrated Liquid for Cleaning and Disinfecting of equipment and all surface. This Enantio and Diastro Selective Specific Formula. Due to the High Pure Alkaline, Non-Ionic Active Agents and another Specific Ingredient Formula give to this product Advantage for Quickly Remove undesirable Oils / Grease, Animal and Vegetable Fats, Blood, Dirt And Solid Wastes from the surface and conveyor. Especially very useful in the Industrial Kitchen of Food & Medical sectors. It is Active and effective against Microbial, Bacteria as (Sarmonella, Staphylococcus Aureus.. etc.) Fungie, Yeasts because of Development and Specific Formula. Supply saving from place and energy. Does not damage Stainless Steel, Glass, Plastic surfaces because of Inhibitors (it has very High Compatibility). Supply saving from place and energy. Does not damage Stainless Steel, Glass, Plastic surfaces because of Inhibitors (it has very High Compatibility). It is compatible with Disinfectants because of including Nonionic Active Agents. Can be used with all water types. Safe, No toxic, Grade Food & Medical and Environment Friendly.
Descaler A3 & Descaler A3 Plus
Acidic Surface & Equipment / Tools Cleaner Liquid Lime & Rust Remover, Multi-Use in Medical & Food Veterinary Sector (Free Colour & Fragrance)
Features: Phosphoric Acid based Lime & Rust Remover. Cleans Minerals Rests of walls , Floors & Metal Equipment Surfaces. Cleans Lime, Rust & doesn't damage Epoxy, PVC & natural Stone, Floor, Surfaces, Equipments and Instruments. It doesn't corrode the surfaces. It doesn't damage Stainless Steel, Glass, Plastic because of inhibitors (It has a very High Compatibility). Suitable dosage systems. Can be used with all water types, Rinsing Easily without Traces after using. Save your time for Cleaning. Economic, dilute by water according to case. Safe, no toxic, Food Grade & Environment Friendly.
Aqua BAC Food
Disinfectant (Concentrate) For Vegetables & Fruits Meat & Chicken / Fish Multi–Uses in Veterinary / Medical & Food / Beverage Sector (Free Colour, Fragrance & Taste) (Free Silver)
Features: Universal range of application, Long-Lasting Effect, No Carcinogenic or Mutagenic Effect, Non-Toxic, free colour,odour and taste, does not change the taste of water and food. Effective in water temperatures ranging from 0 - 95°C, it does not form chemical compounds with other chemical elements. It is widely used in Aquaculture as a water clarifier and a Disinfectant. It is very Effective in recirculation facilities. It is very Safe & Effective for Control and Removing the risk of most Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Yeasts and Fungies. There are no toxic residuals. Proper disinfection with Highly Stable. It is Active Against many harmful types of Mold, Spores, Mildew and Bacteria including Gram Positive/Negative, Salmonella, Legionnaries, Escherichia Coli, Listeria, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Clostridum Botulinum, Bacilius Cereus, Bacillus Anthracis, Listeria, Shigella, MRSA.. etc.), Viruses, HIV, HBV, HCV, Influenza A, Pseudorabies Viruses. It can eliminate the chances of developing all kinds of serious bacterias from Vegetable & Fruit, Meat, Chicken & Fish by washing for few minutes, with Absolutely Safety without rinsing after use by water and changing the Taste and the Shape (odourless, colourless and tasteless). It plays a vital role in the safe processing, storage & transport of Vegetable & Fruit, Meat, Chicken & Fish.
Aqua BAC Laundry
Disinfectant (Concentrated) of Aquaculture (Free Silver) Multi–Use in Medical & Food Beverage Sector (For Textile With Colour Protection) Good Hygiene, Without Changing & Bleaching Effect to The Colour Of Textile
Features: Universal range of Application, Long-Lasting Effect, no Carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, Non-toxic, Free colour,odour and tast, does not change the taste of water and food, effective in water temperatures ranging from 0 - 95°C, itdoes not form chemical compounds with other chemical elements. It is widely used in Aquaculture as a water clarier & adisinfectant. It is very effective in recirculation facilities. Disinfection is very Safe & Effective method for removing the riskof most Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Yeasts and Fungies from the water. It is Active Against many harmful types of mold,spores, mildew, and bacteria including Gram Positive/Negative, Legionnaries, Salmonella, Escherichia Coli, Listeria, Staphylococcus,Klebsiella, Clostridum Botulinum, Bacilius Cereus, Bacillus Anthracis, Listeria, Shigella, MRSA..etc.), Viruses, Sporogenisis, HIV,HBV, HCV, Inuenza A, Pseudorabies Viruses. There are no toxic residuals. Proper Disinfection with highly stable.
Aqua BAC 50
Disinfectant (Concentrated) of Aquaculture (Free Silver) Multi–Use in Veterinary, Food & Beverage Medical Sector (Free Colour, Fragrance & Taste)
Features: Universal range of Application, Long-Lasting Effect, no Carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, Non-toxic, Free colour, odour and tast, does not change the taste of water & food, effective in water temperatures ranging from 0 - 95°C, it does not form chemical compounds with other chemical elements. It is widely used in Aquaculture as a water clarifier & a disinfectant. It is very effective in recirculation facilities. Its disinfection is very Safe & Effective method for removing the risk of most Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Yeasts and Fungies from the water. It is active against many harmful types of mold, spores, mildew, and bacteria including Gram Positive/Negative, Legionnaries, Salmonella SPP, Pasteurella SPP, Escherichia Coli, Listeria, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Clostridum Botulinum, Bacilius Cereus, Bacillus Anthracis, Listeria, Shigella, MRSA..etc.), for Fungal; Aspergilla SPP, for Parasitic; Aimeria SPP, Viruses, Sporogenisis, Influenza A, Pseudorabies Viruses, Paramixo Virus (ND, T.R.T.), Gumboro Disease, Herpes Virus (Marks, ILT), Adeno Virus (EDS, i.B.hepatitis), Parvo Virus, Bovine Diarrhea Virus. For fish; Irido Virus, Herpes Virus Salmonis, Channel Cat Fish Virus and Fish Pox. Mycotic; Saprolegnia, Branchionycosis Phoma, Candida. There are no toxic residuals. Proper Disinfection with highly stable.